
Wednesday, May 26, 2010

BloGTK: Blogging on the Train

In this blog post I will explain how this post is written while riding on the train.

I commute a lot. Every working day I ride the train. A single trip takes one hour. This is a nice amount of time to get things done. Reading a book, practicing a code Kata or pondering the big questions in life. Now I can add blogging to this list.

Seeing that I spend a lot of time in a train, it seemed a nice way to create a greater supply of post. Although a promise is made to introduce Internet in trains by the end of the year, I have no Internet connection while I am on the train. So it is not possible to connect to the blogger site and manage my posts.
So I started a search for a blogging client. The search was over quickly. I found BloGTK in the repository.

Unfortunately that version is using a package which is not available in Ubuntu 10.04 - Lucid Lynx. Luckily building from source was a breeze.

So this is the first of many posts while riding the train.

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