
Saturday, January 15, 2011

Parametrized JUnit tests

In this post I will examine parametrized JUnit tests.

With the introduction of Junit 4, a lot has changed for testing Java software with Junit. One of the more esoteric additions are parametrized tests. It allows a developer to run a great deal of test which differ only in a set of parameters. Without further ado I will show you a parametrized test.

public class FactorizationTest
    private int number;

    private List expectedResult;

    public FactorizationTest(int number, Integer[] result)
        this.number = number;
        this.expectedResult = Arrays.asList(result);

    public void factorize()
        assertEquals(expectedResult, Factorization.factor(number));

    public static Collection<Object[]> data()  
        List<Object[]> data = new ArrayList<Object[]>();
        data.add(new Object[] { 2, new Integer[] { 2 } });
        data.add(new Object[] { 8, new Integer[] { 2, 2, 2 } });
        data.add(new Object[] { 9, new Integer[] { 3, 3 } });
        data.add(new Object[] { 72, new Integer[] { 2, 2, 2, 3, 3 } });   
        return data;

Lets focus on line 17 of the method annotated with @Test. This method asserts that the expectedResult is returned by the static method Factorization.factor(int) which is called with parameter number. Both expectedResult and number are private fields of the class FactorizationTest. The fields are assigned in the constructor.

By annotating the class with the @RunWith(Parameterized.class) we are telling Junit to run this class with the Parameterized Runner. By implementing a Runner you can specify how to run the tests.

For the Parameterized this means the following. (The following section is paraphrased. See for the details.)

  1. Get an Collection of Object-arrays.
  2. Repeat for every Object-array in the collection:
    1. Construct an instance of FactorizationTest passing as parameters the various elements in the Object-array.
    2. Run all methods annotated with @Test.

The collection mentioned in step 1 is obtained by calling a method annotated with @Parameters. So in this example the following facts will be asserted.

82, 2, 2
93, 3
722, 2, 2, 3, 3

In this blog post I made clear how to use parameterized test in the Junit test framework.

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